Allow your energies to flow freely once more
Acupuncture is a tried and tested system of complementary medicine. The Chinese and other eastern cultures have been using acupuncture to restore, promote and maintain good health for thousands of years. Nowadays more and more people are discovering this long established therapy which offers them an effective solution to all manner of today's ills. Acupuncture is now widely used and accepted all over the world and in the UK there are currently over 2800 qualified acupuncturists registered with the British Acupuncture Council. The point of acupunctureTraditional acupuncture works to maintain the body's equilibrium by focusing on all aspects of well being; physical, mental and emotional.
Good health is not just the absence of pain or disease. According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependant on the body's motivating energy moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of channels beneath the skin. This energy is known as Qi (chi). The flow of qi can be disturbed by any number of factors. These include emotional states such as anxiety, anger or grief, as well as poor nutrition, hereditary factors, infections and trauma. When the qi is unbalanced, illness may result. The acupuncturist inserts ultra fine needles at chosen points along the channels of energy. The aim is to stimulate the body's own healing response and restore its natural balance. Treatment is aimed at the root of your condition, as well as your symptoms. This approach can lead to a more permanent resolution to the problems. |